luni, 3 august 2009




April 17, 2009

The Hon. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.)

House of Representatives

Washington, DC Office

2373 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

p 202-225-3765

f 202-225-7768

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like to start by introducing myself. My name is Constantin Burlacu and I am a nationalist, an anti-communist and a freedom fighter descending from Romania. I came to the United States with my family in 1980 as a political refugee, escaping the persecutions endured under the communist dictatorship regime during the times of the former Socialist Republic of Romania. After establishing myself in this new country, I continued fighting the tyranny of the communist regime still taking place in my native country.

Thanks to the American patriot and hero, Ronald Reagan, for who I have great admiration and respect, the anti-human communist evil empire in the former Soviet Union, and other former communist countries collapsed. I sacrificed many years out of my life fighting the communist monster, but the wounds have not yet been vindicated.

From exile, in 1985, together with other Romanian patriots, we revived the League of National Defense, an ultra-nationalist Romanian organization founded on March 4, 1923 in Iasi, Romania, to defend the Romanian national cause and fight against the Jewish-communist conspiracy. And you can only imagine how proud I am, with my contributions in destroying the communist evil empire in Romania and other former communist countries, and that today the people of my native country can breathe the free air of liberty and democracy.

As an American citizen, I fight to protect the American Constitution and liberty. And I am against left-wing internationalists who try to destroy this great nation, especially the First and Second Amendments and attempt to transform democracy into a tyranny, as it was in the former Soviet Union.

From the American press, specifically the American Free Press (AFP) from Washington D.C., I found out that you recently participated in a Conference on Anti-Semitism in London and occupy most of your time with “Semitism” and “anti-Semitism”, instead of the serious issues which the U.S. is facing today including the economic and financial crisis, and industrial, commercial and social problems. Why? Are Jews more important to you than Americans, or are the interests of Israel more important than those of the U.S.? Or do you believe in the false story of Jews being “God’s chosen people”, is this why you give them so much attention? If so, can you show me in the Talmud or in the Bible a single word written by God, with his hand, where it proves that Jews are the “Sons of God” and should have supremacy in the world?! If they are truly the Sons of God, do you believe that God would have allowed them to be infected with leprosy and other contagious diseases; enslaved by the Egyptians and the Roman Empire; endure pogroms in Russia and other countries, or endure a Nazi “holocaust”?! Furthermore, it is also known that Jewish communists were atheists; they didn’t even want to hear about God. So how could they be considered the “Sons of God” or “Sons of Light”? Not at all!

In the article “Rep. Chris Smith Pushes Global Scheme to Hunt Down, Punish “Anti-Semites” published by the AFP (, Michael Collins wrote:

“This should be a concern to all Americans and other people around the globe who value freedom of expression. It is a signal that Smith and others of like mind are actively planning the institution of legal measures to curtail freedom of speech that is perceived to be critical of the political agenda of the organized Jewish community, including the interests of the state of Israel.

In this regard, it is important to recognize that although the term “anti-Semitism” has historically been said to be hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group (although Arabs are Semites), the meaning of the term has been broadened in recent years to include even criticism of the actions of the state of Israel as well as opposition to Zionism, the movement that established the state of Israel and which maintains a global support network for Israel.”

This is a very alarming situation, and because of this, before you impose dictatorship-like laws in the U.S., with “serious penalties” against people who tell the truth about how bad and dangerous Jews and Israel are for humanity, please let me know how you define the terms White, Black, Asian, and Semitic, as a race or a religion? I ask this of you because a great deal people intentionally mix-up the ethnic term of Semitism with the ethic term of Judaism. As far as I know, the term “anti-Semitism” was invented 150 years ago in Germany, by a German journalist, and now another German by the name of Smith brings up and condemns the phenomenon of “anti-Semitism”. Taking into account these circumstances, the term “anti-Semitism” is exclusively a strict German-Jewish problem and I don’t understand why you try imposing this as a global concern?! My family and I, and millions of innocent Romanians from Romania and Moldova were victims of the Jewish communist evil empire imposed in our country by the Soviet Bolshevik-Jews. During the Zionist-Communist tyrannical regime in Romania and Moldova, over one million innocent Romanians were killed, more than one million two hundred thousand were deported to the Soviet Russian Gulag, and over five million Romanians –peasant, working, and intellectual class –were brutally persecuted and tortured in communist prisons by Jews, or by Jewish orders, who ruled the communist oppressive apparatus. And I don’t understand why you would want to prohibit the rights of millions of Romanians including myself, victims of the Jewish Communist tyranny, to speak freely about the bloody persecutions endured under the Jewish Communist dictatorship, or consider revealing these facts to be labeled as “hate crimes”, or to “incite violence against Jews”, or being “hostile to Jewish interests or the state of Israel”???

It is well known that when the Nazi regime collapsed in Germany, the U.S., immediately brought the Nazis to justice, punished them severely, and imposed a program of denazification. Why, when the communist regime collapsed in 1990, in Russia and Eastern European countries, didn’t the U.S. impose a program of decommunization to bring communists to justice so they can be punished for the abuses, crimes, genocide, and red-holocaust they committed against over 60 million innocent people, is it because communism was created and controlled in majority by Jews with a Marxist-Leninism left-wing ideology? This is ridiculous and unjust! It is completely unfair that those who tried bringing the truth to light about the Jewish conspiracy and the holocaust industry are drastically criticized and condemned in Germany, while the Jewish communists who ruled East Germany and other former communist countries that committed the most horrible acts of violence, terror and crimes, are walking freely throughout Europe, the U.S. and Israel.

In a statement you mentioned: “Holocaust remembrance and tolerance education must dramatically expand, and we need to ensure that our respective laws punish those who hate and incite violence against Jews.”

You speak a great deal about the Nazi "holocaust" against the Jews which took place in Germany, but you don't mention a single word about the crimes, genocides and holocaust that took place right here in America against Native Americans. How come? Were they not also humans?! Beside this, American Indians had a culture and civilization much older and more important than that of the Jews. Even today when the U.S. forcefully imposes democracy around the world with their Army, Native Americans are kept in reservations and denied the rights to their own land.

I was not born during the so-called “Nazi holocaust” against Jews, but like many others I ask myself the same question “Did Six Million Jews Really Die” during WWII? So, not more or less, exactly six million Jews died? Interesting, isn’t it?! And since you are an “expert” in the topic of the “holocaust” and “anti-Semitism”, can you tell me how these six million Jews were killed by the Nazis? Were they shot by the German death squad, gassed, incinerated, starved, diseased, or died from natural causes? And how many Jews died by being shot by the German death squad? How many in the gas chamber? How many were burned alive in the crematorium? How many from starvation? How many from disease? And how many from natural causes? Also, can you please provide a list with the names of the six million Jews who died during the Nazi holocaust? Or should these facts not be exposed officially, and are these questions considered manifestations of “anti-Semitism” or acts that are “hostile to Jewish interests or the state of Israel”?! How can it be possible to know exactly which art objects were confiscated by the Nazis from Jews, and later taken by Anglo-American and Soviet soldiers and sold in New York, Paris, London, Moscow, or other places, but it is not known from official German registers and other European nations the names of the Jews that disappeared during the Nazi holocaust? Let’s be serious Mr. Smith!

According to the Israeli historian Bryan Mark Rigg, in his book “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers”(University Press of Kansas,2002) he points out that many Jews held high positions in the Nazi Military and Party, but Jews don’t blame those Jewish-Nazis for what happened to them during the Nazi “holocaust”. They don’t want to talk about this, and only accuse German descendents for being responsible for the Nazi “holocaust”. Another Jewish historian, Norman G. Finkelstein, who wrote the book “The Holocaust Industry -- Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering” (USA: 180 Warrick Street, New York, NY 10014-New Left Books, 2003), in which he mentioned that Jewish survivors of the Nazi holocaust only received a minimum compensation from the tens of billions of dollars paid by Germany, while the rest, a very large sum of money, was retained by Jewish Zionist organizations, which had nothing to do with the “holocaust”. For purposes of extorting money from Germany, Jews claimed that 6 million of their people died under Nazis, but they never proved this by indexing their official names from archived records, which is unacceptable as a fact. There is no doubt that the so-called Nazi holocaust is an industry to collect as much money as possible, which is unjust.

At the former concentration camp in Auschwitz, until 1994, there was a commemorative plate which had an inscription that four million Jews died there. Later that plate was replaced with another which had an inscription that 1.2 million Jews died. So, which one of these two death counts is correct, either 4 million or 1.2 million, or are both of these evidences false? A Nazi holocaust survivor, Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel “Lazar”, born in West Romania (a region illegally occupied by the Hortist Army of Hungary during WWII), was taken from his domicile with his family and placed in the Romanian ghetto of Sighet and was later deported to the German concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau where he was tattooed with the number A-7713. When the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated by the Soviet Red Army, Wiesel on his own will, preferred to go with the Nazi security guards, who held him in custody instead of being set free by the Soviet soldiers. In the Nazi camp, Wiesel had surgery performed on his leg by Nazi doctors, saving his life and improving his health condition, now he acts like the most important Nazi holocaust victim and condemns Germany and other countries allied with the AXA cruelly. A popular proverb in Romania states “Who you don’t allow to die, won’t allow you to live”.

Recently the Jew Bernard L. Madoff stole tens of billions of dollars from people, including his own Jewish kind, and was allowed by the American justice to enjoy living in his luxurious penthouse in Manhattan, New York. The same thing occurred during WWII, where many Jews, to have a better life, betrayed their own kind to the Nazis. As an example of this, take the pornographic movie “Schindler’s List” in which the Jews hope to succeed educating the world with, but they fooled themselves when Jews forced other Jews to work like animals. In the U.S., the law is very tolerant of Jewish crooks like Madoff, but if someone criticizes these Jews they are penalized with “serious penalties” for anti-Jewish manifestations considered “Anti-Semitic”. I am curious if Elie Wiesel, who lost 15 million dollars from the Foundation for Humanity (This foundation seeks to combat indifference, intolerance and injustice), as a client of Madoff, would be considered an anti-Semite and receive “serious penalties” for harshly criticizing the Jew Madoff, a charlatan, terrorist, and international financial criminal. I am also curious to hear if Madoff will receive “serious penalties” for anti-Semitism because he stole money from Jews and Zionist organizations which fight against Nazis and anti-Semitism? Or do only Jews have the right to commit “hate crimes” against other Jews or non-Jews, without receiving “serious penalties” by law? Are they above the law?!

At the American prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, torture is used to extract information from terrorists and criminals detained there. Why don’t the American authorities use the same methods in the case of the terrorist and criminal, Madoff, to obtain information where he hid the 65 billion dollars he stole. Is it because he is a Jewish Zionist, not an Arab-Semite? And you further pretend to combat “anti-Semitism” when it is well known that the American authorities use cruel methods to exterminate Arab-Semites, which they used for the War in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, calling them Freedom Fighters then and now call them “terrorists”? As a pretext to impress the public’s opinion, the American justice confiscated cash and goods worth roughly 100 million dollars from Madoff’s possessions, but this is a false ploy for the naïve.

I am not denying that the Jews suffered or were murdered during the Nazi times, because they ruined Germany’s industry and economy and installed a communist regime in Russia, which they also tried installing in Germany and other European countries. For these reasons Adolf Hitler started a war against the Soviet Judeo-Bolsheviks and their collaborators, and I reject the Jewish accusation that there was a holocaust against them in Romania. On the contrary, the Judeo-communists committed a red holocaust against the Romanian nation, peace, and humanity.

From sources published by representatives of Jewish organizations in Romania after WWII, it was clearly evidenced that around 40,000 Jews died in Romania during the Fascist-Militaristic regime of Marshall Antonescu and the Iron Guard. Now, to extort money from Romania, the Zionist elite circle added another zero to the 40,000 dead Jews and pretend that 400,000 Jews died. This is unacceptable as a true fact! A great priest of the “holocaust”, Elie Wiesel, who hunts the memories of Romanian heroes and martyrs, to strengthen the false accusations of the Zionist supremacy, stated that “Romania killed, killed, killed”. That is insane! Historians and ordinary people fear verifying this or talking about this subject because they are afraid of being accused by Jews of anti-Semitism, or being punished by laws introduced by Jews in many countries, including Romania.

However, don’t believe for a second that I am an anti-Semite because I say these things. No, no, I am not an anti-Semite, but I’m against certain Jews and against the Zionists because they founded socialism and communism and are responsible for the abuses, terrors, crimes, genocides, and the red holocaust committed by the Judeo-Zionist-communist regime in my native country, Romania, against the Romanian nation, peace, and humanity. The Jews are also responsible for the holocaust committed against Palestinians. Anti-Semites are Jews through the fact that they erased Palestine from the face of the Earth and have a fanatical and criminal hate against over 300 million Arab-Semites, who are the ones most entitled to represent the Semitic race, not the Jews, who the majority of which have descended from Khazaria (650-1016 A.D.) a semi-nomadic Turkic people who converted to Judaism. Perhaps you don’t agree with me, but this is historical truth, and Jews can’t hide this reality forever or rewrite their own international Jewish version of history just as they please.

The fact that Jews in Europe are originally from Khazaria was proved by the Jewish historian Arthur Koestler in his book “The Thirteenth Tribe” (Random House, Inc., New York-1976). More information about the origins of Jews from Khazaria in Europe can be found on the following websites:;;; and

http: // html.

So the majority of Jews in Europe, U.S. and Israel, are not descendents from Judaea or Israel. I am sure that they would refuse, but if a DNA analysis could be performed on them, it would be simple to establish their Turkish origin and not a Semite one. I don’t understand why real Jews would allow themselves to get manipulated by these “Jews” from Khazaria with Turk origins?! In other words, if an Asian, a Black person, or White person converts to Judaism he becomes Jewish by origin? Never!

I’m sure you know that international communism and socialism was not created by Russians, but founded by Jews to enslave and dominate the world. The proof is evidenced by the fact that the most prominent leaders of the communist and socialist ideology, such as: Adam Weisshaupt – the founder of the Order of Illuminati, a secret society of the New World Order; Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx (Kissel Mordekay)- the chief theoreticians of international communism; The homosexual Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Israel Blank) - the founder of Judeo-Bolshevism and the first head of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1917 to 1924; Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) - the founder of the Red Army; I.V. Stalin (Dzhugashvili)- the Chief Architect of Soviet totalitarianism from 1929 to 1953; Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky - the founder of the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka; Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria- the Chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus under Stalin, the NKVD ; Ivan Aleksandrovich Serov - the head of the Soviet secret police, the KGB; Ana Pauker – the leader of Romania Communist Party; Walter Roman-Neulander – the founder of Romania Secret Police (Securitatea); Vasile Luca – the chief of communist justice; Emil Botnaras – the founder of the Romanian Communist Red Army; Alexandru Draghici – the minister of communist Internal Affairs (Militia); Col. Coler – the commander of Romania communist prison of extermination and many others, were all true Jews or got married to Jewish women.

Lenin and his clique installed communism in power in Russia with the financial support from rich Jews from the West, such as Jacob Schiff, the Wartburg brothers, and other Jewish bankers. Also, voluntarily thousands of far-leftist Jews from New York (Manhattan, West Side) went to Moscow to help Lenin, both morally and physically, to install communism to power and experiment it. In the name of communism and socialism, these Jewish-communists committed the most sinister and bloody acts of terror, crimes, genocide, and red-holocaust against the Russian nation and other nations.

Now, after the Jews installed and rule the communist tyranny regime, they try to pose as victims of this regime, just like thieves who after stealing pretend they are innocent. And to escape from their responsibility, Jews try blaming some Romanians, Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, Germans, or other ethnic groups who naively accepted being put on the frontline and play the Jewish Zionist-communist game.

In a statement made at the National Convention in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, and one of the most famously multi-talented figures in the nation's history, referring to Jews, said:

“There is a great danger for the United States of America. That great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in which ever land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have created a State within a State, and when they are opposed, they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain. If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than a hundred years they will stream into this country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us, and change our form of government for which Americans have shed their blood and sacrificed life , property, and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews, while they remain in the Counting House rubbing their hands. I warn you gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jew forever, your children and your children’s children will curse you in your grave. Their ideas are not those of Americans. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil its institutions. They should be excluded from the Constitution!”

This is an important historical truth and I hope that you and your collaborators don’t try to accuse and punish, or eliminate the founders of this country from U.S. history for their remarks and manifestations against Jews. Or replace them with those that our American fathers warned would represent a great danger to this land. Under the pretext that you combat “anti-Semitism”, you and your collaborators intentionally try to suppress the First and Second Amendment rights of the American Constitution; impose Jewish law in the U.S. as in Israel, and transform this noble American nation into a Jewish Kibbutz? I don’t believe that Americans who lost their homes, cars, jobs, scholarships, and medical insurance and are now barely able to live day-by-day care about Jews and the Jewish laws against anti-Semitism which you plan to impose in the U.S. under the protection of democracy. If you, as a German descendent, wish to maintain the spirit of the “holocaust” and “anti-Semitism” alive, this is your problem, but for the rest of the world this is a very controversial and demagogue issue. Currently the world is preoccupied with the economic crisis, the climate changes, fighting disease, unemployment, inflation, the unpopular war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war against drugs, starvation, poverty, genocide in Africa and other crucial problems.

Before I close this letter, so I can understand the type of character and logic you have, I would like to know if you condemn the red-holocaust committed by the Jewish-communists against the Romanian nation, peace and humanity, in the same measure that you condemn the German-Nazi holocaust against Jews? Also, I would like to know whose interests you serve, the American nation or the Zionist supremacy organization and Israel? I would like to know this truth because only the truth matters! Asking to bring former Jewish communists to justice to punish them for their abuses, crimes, genocides, and red-holocaust committed during the times of the communist evil empire against tens of millions of innocent Europeans, does not mean an “anti-Semitic” manifestation, or “hate and incite violence against Jews”. On the contrary, this is act of justice, which if not punished by law, will be punished by God, just like it happened many other times in history. And it is not fair for innocent ordinary Jews, who are not implicated in this conspiracy, and work hard and honestly for a decent and happy life to endure the punishment for the diabolic acts of some Jewish-Zionists. Or do laws not exist for Jewish-Zionists because they are above all human laws? I am awaiting your reply.

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Constantin Burlacu, PhD

President of the National Defense League

P.O. Box 292

Brooklyn, NY 11237

Tel/Fax: 718-381-3804